Returns & Exchanges

Can I return a product?

Yes, products in perfect, unused condition can be returned.

Please contact the costumer care first,, our team will gladly assist you with your return.


How long is the return period?

We accept returns that are handed in for return at a post office counter no later than 10 days after delivery. Items must be returned in the condition in which they were sold. If the items are no longer in their original condition, we cannot guarantee a refund.


What costs do I have to pay for a return?

The return costs are borne entirely by the customer.


Can I exchange a product?

It is not possible to exchange a product online. However, you can return the product to be exchanged within 10 days and place a new order for your new favourite product.


Can I return a product purchased online to the Studio Frey office?

Yes, a product purchased online can be returned at the Studio Frey office.



Studio Frey AG
Forchstrasse 234
8032 Zürich